Wednesday, March 5, 2008

McCain Cinches the Nomination, Now He Needs a VP!

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Now that Senator McCain has cinched the nomination he has to pick a running mate. The blogs and national media have lit up with potential running mates for the senator. Show your support for Governor Barbour by visiting the following links and stories and leaving your statement of commitment to Haley! article, "John McCain has big decision"

The All-American Blogger "Who Will McCain Choose?"

VeepWatch "McCain Must Decide Ideological Identity"

TPM Cafe "McCain's VP Pick?"

Red Maryland "Question of the Week: McCain's VP Pick"

Human Events, "McCain-WHO?"

The American Spectator, "McCain-Somebody '08"

It's time to raise your voice and let your opinion be heard! Tell the media and Senator McCain to Draft Haley today!

1 comment:

KYJurisDoctor said...

Believe it or not, I was so sure the Governor will run for President, and I was disappointed when he didn't. When he was running for Governor, I contacted his campaign manager from here in Kentucky to make a campaign contribution, he advised me -- to my surprise and RESPECT -- that the campaign was awash in SS and advised me to send the money to other GOP candidates.

So I'll be glad to support his candidacy as Veep and will urge that John McCain place his name on a SHORT list. or